Please refer to the Appendices for the competition timetable.
Competition Bibs
For individual events, each competitor will receive 3 personal bibs:
- One name bib with number – to be pinned on the front of the competition clothing
- Two number bib – to be pinned on the back of the competition clothing and the competitor’s bag
Bibs must not be cut, folded or covered in any way.
Competition Clothing
Competitors must wear the Federation’s official team clothing. World Athletics TR5 will be strictly applied. Please make sure to follow the World Athletics Advertising Regulations in force. Clothing and items not conforming to this rule and the current World Athletics Advertising Regulations will be removed/taped at the Call Room.
The European Athletics has a record of the Team vests of all Member Federations available on European Athletics Extranet, accessible at the following link.
Member Federations shall confirm their team vests. If the uniform displayed on the website differs from your current official uniform, the revised Team Vests form must be uploaded in one single file by Thursday, 11 May 2023. Otherwise, the existing records will be used as reference. A competitor wearing any other clothing will have no access to the competition area and will not be allowed to compete. This rule applies both to competition clothing (vest, shorts and tights) as well as to tracksuits.
The rule stipulating the compulsory wearing of the official competition clothing will be applied during the competition but also during Victory Ceremonies.
Competition shoes
All the competition shoes must comply with World Athletics TR5, including the sole and/or heel. It is the athletes’ responsibility to make sure that the shoes to be used for competition are on the current list of approved shoes models by the World Athletics. In case of no compliance with the TR5 or the list of approved shoes, an athlete may be not allowed to compete or disqualified after the competition with the result being void.
The shoes will be checked at the Call Room as the clothing items. In case of a world or European record, an athlete is to provide the used shoes to the competition officials, after the event, if further checks are needed.
Call Room
The Call Room is located near the start line. Access will be allowed to athletes only and according to the following reporting times:
Call Room opens | Call Room closes | Leaving the Call Room | Start of the race | |
35 km Men | 6:50 | 7:05 | 7:20 | 7:30 |
35 km Women | 6:50 | 7:05 | 7:20 | 7:30 |
20 km Women | 11:05 | 11:15 | 11:30 | 11:40 |
20 km Men | 13:35 | 13:45 | 14:00 | 14:10 |
10 km U20 Men | 15:45 | 15:55 | 16:10 | 16:20 |
10 km U20 Women | 16:50 | 17:00 | 17:15 | 17:25 |
Athletes who fail to report on time to the Call Room without a valid reason may be excluded from participating.
Refreshments (still water) and toilets will be available next to the Call Room.
Call Room Procedures
In the Call Room the judges will check the following in accordance with World Athletics Rules:
- Competition Bibs
- Shoes as per TR5
- Athletes’ uniforms
- Any other kind of advertising
Athletes will be provided with a small transponder which must be attached to their shoes. At the exit of the Call Room, a control mat will be placed in order to check the good functioning and placement of the transponder.
After the competition, the athletes should return the transponder in the post event area, where they will be collected by volunteers.
Personal belongings (video cameras, tape recorders, radios, CD players, radio transmitters, MP3/MP4, cell phones or similar devices) will not be permitted in the infield as per World Athletics TR6. Competition officials in Call Room will request the athletes to place all such items in their personal bags.
Specific Event Procedures
Competition Regulations are available at https://european-athletics.com/competition-regulations
Line up for start
The starting order for each event will be based on the respective team standings (scoring teams only) of the previous edition of the European Race Walking Team Championships. Each team shall be lined up behind each other at the start of the respective race. All other teams will be positioned behind in alphabetical order.
The Technical Delegate shall have the power to alter the above starting positions in special circumstances.
Starter’s Commands
All instructions will be given in English.
The command is “on your marks” followed by a shot from the starter’s gun.
During the competition, athletes are not allowed to receive any kind of assistance in any manner. When a competitor is unable to continue due to physical difficulties, he/she must inform the nearest judge. To indicate his/her intention of quitting the race, the runner shall remove the bibs with his/her name and identification number. (A competitor is not permitted to receive assistance from any person other than a member of the designated medical team, who may carry out an on-the-spot medical examination. There are first aid stations located along the route.)
Cut-off times
Following the changes of the programme of the European Race Walking Team Championships (35km races replacing the 50km races for men), the U20 races will be organised as “standalone races” and not during the long races of the senior athletes (which was the common practice in the past). To secure the safe implementation of all six (6) races incorporated to the programme of the European Race Walking Team Championships over one day, cut-off time have been introduced across all events.
The cut-off times set for the European Race Walking Team Championships 2023 will be as follows:
Distance | Gender | Cut-off mark | Cut-off time |
35 km | Men | 30 km | 3:18:00 |
35 km | Women | 30 km | 3:18:00 |
20 km | Men | 16 km | 1:32:00 |
20 km | Women | 16 km | 1:45:00 |
10 km | Men | 8 km | 42:00 |
10 km | Women | 8km | 57:00 |
To be authorised to continue the respective competition, competitors must pass the set cut-off mark before the time limit set. Athletes who exceed the maximum time will be excluded from the competition and listed as DNF of the results list and not considered for the team scoring.
Scoring and tie
The finishing positions of the teams in each event shall be decided according to the aggregates of the finishing places of the first 3 (three) finishers of each team in the Senior events and of the first 2 (two) finishers of each team in the U20 events, the team with the lowest aggregate being the winner, and so on.
If two or more teams have an equality of scores calculated according to to the above (802.8 of the competition regulations), the tie shall be decided in favour of the team with the best placed athlete.
Any team finishing with fewer than 3 (three) athletes in the Senior events or 2 (two) athletes in the U20 events shall not be counted in the teams classification but those athletes shall be included as if they had been participating as individuals.
All athletes finishing shall be classified individually and shall be eligible for individual awards.
Posting Board and Penalty Zone
Posting board
When a Judge is not completely satisfied that an athlete is fully complying with WA TR 54.2, he/she should, where possible, show the athlete a yellow paddle with the symbol of the offence on each side.
When a Judge observes an athlete failing to comply with WA TR 54.2 by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition, the judge shall send a Red Card to the Chief Judge. When four Red Cards from four different Judges have been sent to the Chief Judge on the same athlete, the athlete is disqualified and he/she shall be notified of this disqualification by the Chief Judge or a Chief Judge’s Assistant by being shown a red paddle. The failure give notification shall not result in the reinstatement of a disqualified athlete.
If the Chief Judge or the Chief Judge Assistant informs the athlete of his/her disqualification, the disqualified athlete must leave the course immediately, remove his/her bib numbers and transponder and return to the Post Event Control Area.
Red cards and disqualifications will be posted on an electronic posting board. This will be positioned on the right hand side of the course about 100m away the finish line.
Penalty Zone Set–up
All events of the European Race Walking Team Championships will be conducted under the WA TR 54.7.3 with the following below arrangements.
- The Penalty Zone will be located close to the start line and in front of the Posting Board (see appendices)
- The Penalty Zone will have one entrance and one exit at opposite ends (both of the same size)
- Small barriers and cones will be used to clearly identify the Penalty Zone
- The athletes are free to stop or continue moving inside the Penalty Zone however there shall be no benches and no access to refreshments, drinking, sponging or other kind of assistance but communication with coaches is allowed
Penalty Zone Operations
WA TR 54. will be applied with the following adaptations.
When an athlete receives 3 Red Cards, he/she must receive a communication from the Chief Judge or his Assistant showing him/her a paddle with the time penalty on both sides and he/she must stop in the penalty area at the first opportunity.
Depending on the race distance, the following penalty times shall apply:
- 10 km – 1 minute (60 seconds)
- 20 km – 2 minutes (120 seconds)
- 35 km – 3.5 minutes (210 seconds)
At the first opportunity the athlete will be guided by the Chief Judge’s Assistant into the Penalty Zone.
The time penalty starts immediately as the athlete enters the Penalty Zone.
The athlete shall be shown an appropriate card notifying him when 10 seconds remain on the penalty.
After the time penalty, and following the instructions of the official in charge of the Penalty Zone, the athlete shall re-enter the event.
The athlete is not judged in the Penalty Zone.
If the athlete then receives any additional Red Card(s) (from the judges who had not previously sent him/her one) he/she shall be disqualified and the Chief Judge or his/her assistant must notify the disqualification as soon as possible.
If an athlete receives 4 or more Red Cards before stopping in the Penalty Zone, the athlete shall be disqualified and the Chief Judge or his/her assistant must notify the disqualification as soon as possible.
If an athlete receives the third Red Card at the late stage of the race and it’s not possible for the Chief Judge or his/her assistant to notify the athlete that he/she must stop in the Penalty Zone, the athlete shall finish the race and the penalty time shall be added to his/her official time.
The Chief Judge maintains the power to immediately disqualify the athlete in the last 100m of a race (no time penalty).
The official timing (including split times) using a transponder system will be provided by Online system s.r.o.
Post Competition Procedures
After the competition, athletes leave immediately through the mixed zone.
In the mixed zone, all athletes meet the media: first TV, then radio and finally the written press. It is for the athlete to decide whether he/she will give an interview.
The athletes’ personal bags will be kept in the Call Room, which will also serve as the post event area.
Protests and Appeals
Protests and appeals are permitted and will be processed in accordance with World Athletics TR8.
In the first instance, protests must be made orally to the Referee by the athlete himself/herself or by someone acting on his/her behalf or by an official representative of a team (World Athletics TR8). Such person or team may protest only if they are competing in the same race to which the protest (or subsequent appeal) relates.
Where the appropriate Referee is not accessible or available, the protest should be made online through the virtual TIC. Protests concerning the result or conduct of an event shall be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the result of that event (posted on the TIC information board).
If the final decision of the Referee is not satisfactory an appeal can be submitted to the Jury of Appeal also through the virtual TIC. Any written appeal to the Jury of Appeal must be made in accordance with World Athletics TR 8 by a responsible official on behalf of the athlete and submitted online within 30 minutes after the official announcement of the decision made by the Referee.
When submitting an appeal form, the team acknowledges that a fee of 100 EUR will be deducted from European Athletics Subvention to be paid by the end of the year unless the appeal is successful. The Jury’s decision will be provided in writing.