(Photo by Simon Hofmann/Getty Images for European Athletics)

European Athletics President’s Welcome Message Roma 2024

I am very pleased to welcome everyone to the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships, the 26th edition of the continental championships.

This championship marks a return to a city and a stadium that is steeped in athletics history with Rome having played host to every single major international championship in our wonderful sport.

The stadium, which will be the focal point of these championships, were the centrepiece of the 1960 Olympic Games, a truly memorable one which saw a myriad of European records and many Olympic champions crowned from Europe.

Fourteen years later, and fifty years ago, the 1974 European Athletics Championships were the most important athletics competition anywhere in the world that year, replete with enthralling contests and outstanding performances. Many of the heroes and heroines of that championship will be celebrated and honoured during this edition.

Turning the clock further forward, the 1987 World Athletics Championships here in Rome as well.

In addition, the annual Diamond League meeting in the Olympic Stadium is a jewel in the crown of our sport in Europe and continually shows how popular athletics is with the Italian public well beyond just the dedicated aficionados.

With almost 200 world records and world bests having been set in Rome, dating back to the start of the 20th century, there is something about this historic and captivating city that seems to inspire everyone, but especially athletes competing at the very highest level.

Consequently, I have no doubt that Roma 2024 will be remembered in equally glowing terms as all those other competitions I have mentioned once the curtain comes down on these championships after what I anticipate will be six thrilling and enthralling days here in Rome.

Roma 2024 will showcase the very best our sport can offer, both on and off the track, with the European stars of our sport in action here and aiming to enhance their reputations ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

European Athletics would like to say a very big thank you to the Italian athletics federation – Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera (FIDAL) – the Roma 2024 Local Organising Committee, the City of Rome, its Council and other public authorities as well as all the officials and volunteers involved with the championships for their hard work, commitment, and enthusiasm.

Dobromir Karamarinov
European Athletics President

Photo: Foundazione Euro Roma 2024

Roma 2024 President Welcome Message
(English translation follows)

Cari amici dell’atletica, 

è con grande piacere che vi accogliamo a Roma per i Campionati Europei di atletica leggera a cinquant’anni dall’ultima edizione che si è tenuta in Italia, sempre allo stadio Olimpico, nel 1974. Siamo felici di tornare a ospitare questo grande evento che ha visto la luce per la prima volta nel nostro Paese, novant’anni fa, con l’edizione inaugurale di Torino del 1934.

Come ben sapete, gli Europei del 7-12 giugno saranno l’occasione per i migliori atleti del continente di confrontarsi ad altissimi livelli a poche settimane dall’inizio dei Giochi Olimpici di Parigi, e per tanti, al di là della corsa per le medaglie, sarà un’occasione fondamentale per ottenere gli standard di qualificazione o incrementare il proprio ranking. Ci aspettiamo sfide entusiasmanti nelle sei giornate di gara, che ci auguriamo potrete raccontare al meglio, offrendo un quadro completo ed esaustivo a chi legge, ascolta o guarda le vostre news, i vostri approfondimenti, le interviste e i “dietro le quinte” dentro e fuori lo stadio.

Gli Europei di Roma rappresentano per l’Italia uno dei principali eventi del 2024, e hanno trovato il sostegno di tutte le maggiori istituzioni politiche e sportive, direttamente coinvolte nell’organizzazione. Ormai da anni stiamo lavorando per garantire i migliori servizi e comfort possibili a chi raggiungerà Roma per svolgere la propria professione di giornalista, fotoreporter, social media manager, commentatore tv o radio, e qualsiasi altro ruolo legato alle attività di comunicazione.

Per una settimana ci ritroveremo allo stadio Olimpico, un impianto storico ma all’avanguardia, che siamo certi troverete all’altezza di tutte le necessità di cui avrete bisogno. Qui, e nelle altre strutture del Parco del Foro Italico a vostra disposizione, si respirano le imprese leggendarie delle Olimpiadi di Roma 1960, dei Mondiali di atletica del 1987 o dei campioni che ogni anno rendono appassionante il Golden Gala Pietro Mennea, tappa italiana della Diamond League.

Il clima di Roma, lo stile italiano, il patrimonio culturale di questa città e, non ultima, la nostra cucina, renderanno ancora più piacevole il vostro soggiorno nella Città Eterna. Vi auguro un buon lavoro e spero possiate tornare a casa con un fantastico ricordo degli Europei di Roma 2024.

Stefano Mei
Presidente Fondazione EuroRoma 2024

President of Roma 2024’s Welcome Message
(English translation )

Dear friends of athletics,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Rome for the European Athletics Championships fifty years after the last edition which was held in Italy, also at the Olympic Stadium, in 1974. We are happy to return to host this great event which was seen for the first time in our country, ninety years ago, with the inaugural edition in Turin in 1934.

As you well know, the European Championships from 7-12 June will be an opportunity for the best athletes on the continent to compete at very high levels just a few weeks before the start of the Olympic Games in Paris, and for many, beyond the race for medals , it will be a fundamental opportunity to obtain qualification standards or increase their rankings. We expect exciting challenges in the six days of the competition, which we hope you will be able to tell in the best possible way, offering a complete and exhaustive picture to those who read, listen to or watch your news, your insights, interviews and “behind the scenes” inside and out Stadium.

The European Championships in Rome represent one of the main events of 2024 for Italy, and have found the support of all the major political and sporting institutions directly involved in the organisation. For years now we have been working to guarantee the best possible services and comfort to those who come to Rome to carry out their profession as a journalist, photojournalist, social media manager, TV or radio commentator, and any other role related to communication activities.

For a week we will meet at the Olympic stadium, a historic but cutting-edge facility, which we are sure you will find capable of meeting all your needs. Here, and in the other structures of the parco Foro Italico at your disposal, you can feel the legendary exploits of the 1960 Rome Olympics, the 1987 World Athletics Championships or the champions who every year make the Golden Gala Pietro Mennea, the Italian stage of the exciting Diamond League.

The climate of Rome, the Italian style, the cultural heritage of this city and, last but not least, our cuisine, will make your stay in the Eternal City even more pleasant. I wish you all the best in your work and I hope you can return home with fantastic memories of the European Championships in Rome 2024.

Stefano Mei
President of the EuroRoma 2024 Foundation