Media Centre
The media centre will be located at the venue, in the “Cascina Prato Pascolo”.
The media centre will be open as follows:
Friday 9 December | 15:00 – 18:00 |
Saturday 10 December | 9:30 – 18:00 |
Sunday 11 December | 08:00 – 18:00 |
The media centre offers all accredited journalists and photographers the following:
- Welcome Desk – Results printer will be provided by ATOS
- Workstations for accredited media and photographers with electricity plugs (Type F, L Sockets)
- Internet connection (Limited wire connection &WIFI)
- TV screens with live signal
- Bib pick up for photographers (during photography briefing)
- Media refreshments
Media Tribune
There will be a purpose-built media tribune located near the finish line for all accredited media. Capacity of the media tribune is 40 seats. This designated area will be equipped with tables, limited wired internet connection and Wi-Fi connection.
Please see map for the location of the media tribune at the venue.
Photographers Briefing
The photographers briefing will take place at 08:15 at the media centre on Sunday 12 December. Photographer bibs will be distributed during the briefing. All accredited photographers must attend the briefing as this will be the only time the bibs will be distributed to the photographers. Following the distribution of the bibs there will be a walk-through and explanation of the course including the finish line area. All photo positions will be specified during the briefing.
Press Conference
An official press conference will be held at the Royal Palace of Venaria Reale on Saturday 10 December at 12:30.
– Nadia Battocletti (ITA) – Three-time SPAR European cross country champion
– Yemaneberhan Crippa (ITA) – European 10,000m champion and 5000m bronze medallist
– Charles Hicks (GBR) – European U23 cross country champion
– Konstanze Klosterhalfen (GER) – European 5000m champion
Internet Connection
The media centre, the mixed zone and media tribune on the venue will be served by a free Wi-Fi internet service. A limited cable internet zone will be available in the media tribune, as well as the media centre.
Mixed Zone
The Mixed Zone will be situated in a tent close to the finish line.
Official Media Shuttle Buses
Transport from the media hotel to venue and return will be provided. Please refer to the information board in the hotel for the shuttle bus schedule.
Lost and Damaged Accreditation Card
Lost or damaged accreditation cards should be reported to the Media Accreditation Centre.
Media and TV LOC Staff
Head of Media and TV: Marco Sicari
Mob. (+39) 335 69 77 511
Media Manager: Nazareno Orlandi
Mob. (+39) 347 79 21 222
Accreditation and Services: Myriam Scamangas
Broadcasting services: Giuliana Grillo
Media Operations Manager: Francesca Mei
Flash Quotes: Antonio Carvalho, Zuzana Troyakova
Photo Manager: Andrea Bruschettini
Mob. (+39) 347 941 3650