Access for photographers

Photographers will be able to access inside the Omnisport Stadium starting from the entrance (6) coming from the Media Centre.

The second Photo Workroom (with the LOC Photo Chief Office) is located directly on the right of this entrance.

Photographers’ Workroom 

100 Working stations for photographers are allocated in the Media Centre just outside the Omnisport Stadium. All the tables are equipped by power and LAN connections. TV and CIS monitors are available as well. Additionally we offer approximately 25 working stations for photographers only inside the Omnisport Stadium: all based on first come first serve.

Photographers’ briefing

A briefing for all the accredited photographers will be held on Thursday march 6 at 14:00 o’clock. We start at the infodesk in the Media Center. Attendance of the briefing is mandatory for all photographers participating in the event.

Information about photo positions, access to the photo positions and guidelines for photographers’ work will be shared during the briefing. Rules of conduct, No Go Zones, the peculiarities of access and positioning in the long/ triple jump competitions will be explained.

We ask that photographers carefully read and adhere to the code of conduct signed for acceptance upon registration.  

Photographers’ bibs

The photo bibs allow accredited photographers an access photo positions and must be worn all times. The photo bibs will be distributed to all the accredited photographers during the Photo Briefing.

There are two types of bibs used for the event:

–       blue for infield photographers

–       yellow for outfield photographers

Lost or stolen bibs must be reported to the LOC Media Operations Team as soon as possible.

Photo lockers

Lockers are available for photographers in the Media Centre on a first come, first serve basis. Additionally we have a few lockers located at the photo upload area.

A cash deposit of 20 euro is required for use of the locker, refundable on return of the keys at the end of the event. There is only one key to each locker – it is not possible to copy these keys, we ask that photographers take the utmost care in safeguarding their key. 

Head-On Position 

From the Photographers’ Workroom inside the Omnisport Stadium, all photographers can access :

  • Via a staircase on the “Head on Platform” situated at the 2nd floor, capacity for 60 photographers, in the axis of the two finish lines (sprint and long races).
  • To the Field of Play (FOP) with a station after the second curve behind the LED panels. 
  • Behind the Crash-mat in the axis of the sprint races finish line with a limited capacity of photographers.

Infield positions

The maximum number of infield positions is 14 (including rotation). The infield positions will be approved by European Athletics in cooperation with LOC Photo Chief, giving the priority to international agencies.

Outfield photographers will be able to make requests for rotation bibs one day in advance by 24 hours for each of the two daily sessions, on a special request form that will be posted in the media centre. 

The choice on their allocation will be made by the LOC Photo Chief on the basis of each specific request and profile of the applicant’s agency/ newspapers.  

On the infield, in the staircase, there will be limited LAN cables and power sockets near the finish line.

Outfield positions 

Outfield positions are all located behind the led panels on the FOP or in the stands on both sides of the media tribune, sticked “Photo seat”.

  • it’s strictly forbidden for photographers to walk on the cycling track (which is directly between the LED panels and the pathway for photographers
  • Accreditation will be taken if this happens

All these stations are for outfield photographers. They cannot be reserved, and will be occupied on a first-come first-serve basis. Should this happen, the organisation reserves the right to remove them at any time.

All positions are equipped with dedicated Photo Wifi or LAN cables (or switch stations) .

Photographers must bring their own LAN cables.

Remote Cameras 

For the positioning of the remote cameras, requests will be made one day in advance by 24 hours for each of the daily competition sessions, on a special list that will be provided in the media centre. 

The choice will primarily be given to infield photographers; the maximum number of cameras that can be positioned varies depending on the event. 

All remote camera installations must be approved by the LOC Photo Chief and installed at the schedule determined each day by him (generally 90’ before the session starts).

  • They can be positioned for: shot put, long jump and triple jump.
  • It will also be permitted to position remote cameras internally and externally at the finish line if possible.

The frequencies used must also be indicated in the requests as the type of the remote (Pocket Wizard…)

There will be no metal plates for installing the remote cameras. You must provide your own and approved mini-tripod or plate.

Camera Repair Service 

Professional support service will be provided by CANON, NIKON and SONY stationed with a helpdesk at the Media Centre. The service includes camera cleaning, repair and a camera and lens loan service.

Spectators’ seats

Spectator seats are sold out for this event. There are some seats next to the media tribune which are reserved for photographers. Photographers may work from empty spectator seats during the event, however when the ticket holder arrives, the seat must be relinquished immediately. While working in empty seats photographers should not disturb any spectators.

Code of Conduct 

All accredited photographers must adhere to the Code of Conduct they signed upon registration. Photographers must pick up their bib during the mandatory Photo Briefing. 

Radio Frequencies Equipment (Spectrum)

Any equipment that uses a radio frequency (RF) must be identified and approved before it can be used at the Omnisport Stadium. Users of unapproved devices risk having their equipment shut off until it can be coordinated.

The equipment includes, but it is not limited to:

  • wireless microphones
  • wireless IFB
  • wireless IEM
  • wireless intercom (ITL) during the championships
  • RF cameras
  • two-way radios